Per Karsten Wahl


Per Karsten Wahl is an experienced legal advisor to companies within the areas of employment law, corporate law and contracts. He is often engaged by companies that need to take steps such as dismissals of employees, temporary redundancies or workforce reductions. Per Karsten is also part of our bankruptcy and insolvency team and is regularly appointed as an administrator in case of bankruptcy and public probate. Finally, he helps private individuals with distribution of estates and succession processes.
Per Karsten is professional and very thorough in his work. He also holds several board positions, including being on the board of Svensson Nøkleby.


Employment law
Family, inheritance and succession
Restructuring and insolvency
Corporate law

from 1995       Partner, Svensson Nøkleby
1989-1994      Lawyer, Advokatfirmaet de Besche & Co 
1988-1989      Deputy Judge, Sunnfjord District Court
1986-1988      Consultant, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

1989              License to practice law
1985              Legal degree



Uke 48: #VissteDuAt – Lag og foreninger - hvilke regler gjelder?
Koronaviruset – tips til arbeidsgivere
Endring i varslingsreglene - behov for oppdatering i rutiner
Uke 38: #VissteDuAt – Slik har permitteringsreglene endret seg
Uke 2: #VissteDuAt – Dette bør du vite om bonus- og incentivordninger for ansatte
Uke 40: #VissteDuAt – Fastsettelse av lønn til daglig leder og andre ledende ansatte
Uke 6: #VissteDuAt – Hvilke rettigheter har arbeidstaker ved overføring av virksomhet? (Norwegian Only)
Uke 51: #VissteDuAt – Bedriftsinterne aldersgrenser – hva er det?
Uke 50: #VissteDuAt – Lag og foreninger og de ledende organene
Uke 3: #VissteDuAt – Arbeidsgivers ansvar ved seksuell trakassering på arbeidsplassen
Uke 5: #VissteDuAt – Tips til arbeidsgiver ved behandling av saker om seksuell trakassering
Uke 7: #VissteDuAt – 3 viktige påminnelser om personvern på arbeidsplassen
Koronarelaterte endringer i arbeidsretten
Nytt innen rettspraksis i arbeidsretten
Nye lovforslag og høringer innen arbeidsretten
More news in employment law in the spring of 2021 (Norwegian Only)
Når kan arbeidsgivere foreta lønnstrekk etter feilutbetalinger?
New in case law in labor law (August 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Corona-related changes in labor law (August 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Legislative changes in labor law (August 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Week 35: #DidYouKnow - This you should know about customer clauses in working conditions (Norwegian Only)
Week 41: Did you know - This is what you should know about non-compete clauses in employment relationships (Norwegian Only)
Week 46: #Did you know - What duty do jobseekers have to provide information? (Norwegian Only)
New in case law in labor law (November 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Corona-related changes in labor law (November 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Legislative changes in labor law (November 2021) (Norwegian Only)
Latest news in labor law - November 2021 (Norwegian Only)
Week 50: Did you know - Snooping in a patient record gave objective reasons for dismissal (Norwegian Only)
Supreme Court with clarification on access to deductions from salary according to the standard clause in the employment contract (Norwegian Only)
Latest news in labor law - May 2022 (Norwegian Only)
New in case law in labor law (May 2022) (Norwegian Only)
Legislative changes in labor law (May 2022) (Norwegian Only)
Week 21: #DidYouKnow - Can alternative methods of handing over dismissal notice to an employee be accepted?
Week 24: Did you know - The general right to hire temporarily ends July 1, 2022 (Norwegian Only)
Proposed Legislative Changes (Norwegian Only)
Case Law (Norwegian Only)
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Innstramminger i inn- og utleiereglene (Norwegian Only)
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Latest news in employment law - May 2023
Foreslåtte lovendringer (mai 2023)
Gjennomførte lovendringer (mai 2023)