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Good advice is valuable

Anyone who has struggled with the anguish of election knows better than anyone the value of good advice. If you spin the wheel of fortune, close your eyes and hope for the best, you may have luck once or twice. But you never beat those who plan, process and strategise, evaluate and adjust and seek expert advice along the way. For good choices are based on good advice and not on chance.

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Human Service

Svensson Nøkleby is a modern law firm, through the use of  technology and digital solutions we streamline and ensure the quality of our work. But we do not provide digital services. When you write or call us, a human being answers. And in our meeting rooms you will not find any robots either. If you want a digital meeting, it is no problem, but you are also welcome to visit us.
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Advisory team

We believe that wise minds become even wiser when they work and think together. We believe that in good teams, 1 plus 1 is always more than 2. That is why our lawyers always work in teams.


Nytt om oppsigelser fra Høyesterett: Har arbeidsgiver plikt til å tilby annet passende arbeid ved oppsigelse som skyldes arbeidstakers forhold?
06.08.2024 | Articles

Syntetiske aksjer og opsjoner
14.05.2024 | Articles

Nå er tiden inne for å gjennomføre omdanning til AS
16.05.2024 | News

Now is the time to carry out the conversion to AS

Joruns siste dag etter nærmere 50 år som advokatsekretær
22.12.2023 | News

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